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What is the difference between Trimester One with Ginger and Trimester 2 & 3 Plus Breastfeeding?Updated 6 months ago

Our Trimester One with Ginger is a 2-in-1 prenatal formula that is specific to the first trimester, because it is a prenatal as well as a morning sickness relief formula :) this formula is tailored to trimester 1 as it is iron-free (iron can aggravate morning sickness), it has less choline, as choline can also aggravate morning sickness and it contains b6 and ginger to help relive morning sickness. All of this alongside all the prenatal vitamins and minerals needed :)

Our Trimester 2 & 3 Plus Breastfeeding is a step up from this formula, it contains higher amounts of nutrients to help you meet the increased nutrient demands of your second and third trimesters and breastfeeding. It also contains iron and 400mg of choline in a daily dose, which is important for baby's brain and central nervous system function.

You can take the tri23 in your first trimester, just be aware it may aggravate morning sickness and nausea, if this is the case then I recommend switching back to the Trimester One with Ginger.

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